Butterfly's Dream 2024

The photos of our debut production, taken from both opening night and the Sunday matinee. 

Photos: Ken Ang, Aaron Ng, Shana Yap, Christina Tan-Soh, Kevin Yeo

Cast shot during a lighting test before show time.

Hardworking lighting director Debbie Tan.

The affectionately known as BGL (Bao Gah Liao) because she can do it all: stage manager Shana Yap.

Music director Vincent Chen warming up.

Violinist Tan Tee Khoon arriving at the show.

Our esteemed audience, waiting for the show to start.

Suzuki (mezzo soprano Chieko Trevatt) starts the show.

Lieutenant F.B. Pinkerton (tenor Alan Lau).

Pinkerton with the American Consulate Sharpless (baritone Greg McCreanor.

Our Cio-Cio San, the Butterfly (soprano Wendy Woon).

The love duet.

Sharpless reading Pinkerton's letter to Butterfly.

Butterfly and Suzuki spotting the SS Abraham Lincoln.

The flower duet.

Sharpless consoling a remorseful Pinkerton.

A hopeful Butterfly,
a truth-stricken Suzuki.

Butterfly acknowledging Kate.

The tragic end.


Milling with our audience after the show.

Our acting consultant Keagan Kang, with partner Jeannette Koh, giving Wendy his impressions of the show.

Alan with our dear friends historian Dr Ernest Chew and Mrs Aileen Chew.

Celebrating Vincent's birthday right after the show on opening night.

Everyone tucking into the pizza reception after the Sunday matinee.