Folklore & Roots

Event photos of The Tuning Fork's debut production: the actual show, behind-the-scenes, and the meet-and-greet post-show.

Photos: Amin Khairoodin

Producer-director and visual artist SY Mah just before the start of the show.

The performers emerge.

Roberto Alvarez.

Hunter Mah.

During Bartók's Romanian Dances.

During Machado's Musiques Populaires Bresillienes.

Music cue mistress Wendy Woon following the score to prompt SY Mah for changes in the cinematics. 

The artists thanking the audience after the encore.

Inviting the audience to the meet-and-greet at the foyer.

SY greets Singapore guitar collector Mathew Mathew and his daughter Hannah.

ST music reviewer Dr TL Chang saying hello to premier pianist Kseniia Vokhmianina and soprano Sérine de Labaume.

SY with her primary school friend and staunch Creative Sync supporter XP Su.

Proud members of Hunter's family.

Roberto meeting The Kohs and greeting Dr TL Chang.

"Long time no see!" Hunter gives old friend Hasina Begum a big hug.

The Yeo Family: Lincoln, Frances, and son Wayne, with SY. Wayne played the important role of The Watcher in SY's accompanying film for Machado's Musiques Populaires Bresillienes.

Roberto with his lovely wife Elena and their friends who were visiting from abroad.

Hunter with old friend and staunch supporter, cartoonist
Jason Lee.

SY with her uni. squad members: (l-r) Mary Grosvenor, Marisa Low, Daphne Rodrigues, and Shahida Ariff.

SY with the stalwarts of Singapore's classical guitar community: (l-r) Gloriana Fu, Andrew Wee, and Kim Nimrod Cruz (with other members in the background).

Hunter and SY with besties Sophia Shen and Ken Lee.

Backstage with the Creative Sync crew!

With the hardworking Creative Sync crew + AV expert Bruno Goh Luse.

See you next time ;-)